Kids, crafts, country life and more...

This is what you get when you mix two toddlers, two border collies, a Shetland pony, two cats, a gaggle of turkeys, a former construction worker, a former lawyer and the family cattle ranch. Thanks for visiting. All images copyrighted. Do not use any text or image without permission.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2 days until 2 years....

Alice will be two this Friday. We'll be celebrating at a family reunion at Mumsy's Raspberry Ranch, so photos will come later...

The most exciting recent development is Alice learning the word yes. No she's had down for quite some time, but yes took a while. She is so determined and independent (and yes a little stubborn), but I think that's because she's so bright. She is really into animals right now and has learned a lot of her letters without me teaching her, just through the books we read and watching Clyde learn them. She loves watching movies, especially Caillou and Diego. She's a really good eater and will try most things, but when she's done it's no use fighting her to try to get more veggies or anything else in. Once she's made up her mind, that's it! She likes to pretend she's a monkey on the playset we have outside. She loves playing with her water table.

She is adorable as you can see. She's a great playmate to Clyde. We love her so much!

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