Kids, crafts, country life and more...

This is what you get when you mix two toddlers, two border collies, a Shetland pony, two cats, a gaggle of turkeys, a former construction worker, a former lawyer and the family cattle ranch. Thanks for visiting. All images copyrighted. Do not use any text or image without permission.

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Sunday, April 8, 2012


It's that 12 days of the year when the Bettis grandkids ages are in sequential order.  This year, they are 1 (Martin), 2 (Harrison), 3 (Alice), 4 (Clyde) & 5 (Elliott). We started off with a couple in a crabby mood, so I had everyone make a sad or mad face. 

Then we tried happy faces.  It worked!

We moved outside.  It takes some wrangling to get 5 kids 5 and under all looking halfway decent in the same photo.  Janelle and I did our best and they really are darling children so we got some cute photos.  I hope we can do this every year.

As witnessed by the mutual gazing and spontaneous hugs and laughs, this is a group that really enjoys each other's company - a fun bunch of cousins!

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