Kids, crafts, country life and more...

This is what you get when you mix two toddlers, two border collies, a Shetland pony, two cats, a gaggle of turkeys, a former construction worker, a former lawyer and the family cattle ranch. Thanks for visiting. All images copyrighted. Do not use any text or image without permission.

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Monday, January 19, 2015

Merry Christmas 2014

We stayed up north until December 17th, a new record for us.  I took these photos one of the first days it snowed for our Christmas card.  Lucky I did, because it didn't snow much after that which is why we stayed so long.  It was a yucky, mucky fall.  

On our way out, we went over to the Stringer Place on a Christmas tree hunt.  We found a white fir that was about 13 feet tall that we liked, and the kids each got a little tree too. 

When we got to Eagle everything was a total mess from our half-done laundry remodel and intensive cleaning job.  I tried to have the kids do some learning activities including a math problem based on the 12 Days of Christmas.  There were 364 gifts in all and they followed a great pattern... 12, 22, 30, 36, 40, 42, 42, 40, 36, 30, 22, 12.  I had no idea.  We used addition and multiplication and they worked on using a chart. 

Our tree reached the peak of the ceiling - we totally hit the limit.  It was only sparsely decorated since we had so little time, but it was a lot of fun this year because the kids did a lot of the decorating.

The kids went to the Nutcracker with Mumsy, we had a Christmas Eve dinner at Harry's, Christmas morning at home and Christmas dinner at Mumsy's.

The most favorite delivery of all was from Santa.... Kitty!  She is loved by both children.  Alice is really learning to be responsible taking care of her. 

I went to Zamzow's to get a tag after Alice decided on the final name, and the guy said "Do you want the i-t-t-y in big letters?"  I responded yes and wound up with this: 


Because of my feeling of disorganization, Ben got me a barn shed.  It really made a huge difference in our garage!

It was a rushed but fun Christmas.  The kids are so excited they're already talking about next Christmas.  It's a fun time.

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